As should be reasonably obvious, I’ve been trapped in consulting and conferenceville, hence radio silence.
I have, however, done lots of other things not on this Substack, and for those who are missing their regular dose of Helen, here they are:
I appeared on last week’s Spectator (Australia) podcast with host Will Kingston. Quite a lot of the discussion concerns Australia’s upcoming Voice Referendum (poll to be held on October 14th), although there’s also some discussion on the Ukraine war (arising out of my first novel).
My second Law & Liberty podcast (with Helen Joyce & Maya Forstater on all things trans) for Liberty Fund came out last Monday. In my view it’s the first time I’ve got a podcast both intellectually & technically correct.
I teased out some of the ethical implications of my second and third novels for Aporia Magazine. In the piece, I ask what people with different morality from ours would do with genetic technology.
An interview with
(mainly on my second novel, Kingdom of the Wicked) is available below the subscription button:
The L&L interview was great. I can't stop hyping Liberty Fund ( It's a treasure. Looking forward to hearing your talk w/Kling.
I submit that "Helen Elsewhere" would make for a great punk rock stage name.