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Oct 5, 2022
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Srinivasan is as dumb as a stump. Everything she has written is vapid nonsense.

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Oct 6, 2022
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I read her dreadful “Right to Sex” book, which is full of the usual woke nonsense - trans women are women, patriarchy is real (it isn’t, it’s a conspiracy theory with a strong resemblance to the Protocols).

I’m surprised at that paragraph, which contains more sense than her entire book. The book is risible.

Relatedly, I think philosophy is a largely worthless discipline. Mind you, make me Education Secretary and all universities save the Russell Group would be shut down, and the humanities and social sciences, while still permitted to admit students, would receive no taxpayer funding. Any students they admit would not be entitled to student loans, either.

These qualifications are pure consumption goods and the taxpayer should not be on the hook for any of them. The universities should be for STEM and the professions, and that’s it.

I say this despite having a humanities qualification and a professional one. I should have been forced to pay full fees for my entertaining but useless classics degree. Meanwhile, both I and the taxpayer have been compensated handsomely for my law degree.

The money saved should then go to technical education modelled on the German system.

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Quite enjoyed your "Feminising Feminism". I can recall at one point joining and supporting NOW. I do believe that females ought to have equal chances to do at they wish. I do well understand that females and males do have different thought constructs that are quite useful in society. That has proved obvious in human evolution. A partnership in marriage creates better guidance for children in bringing both minds to the issues of the child's welfare.

I was intrigued in your "Feminism is the mother of awful public policy going back to Prohibition and needs to learn humility if it expects to have policy influence." A few examples might have helped.

Writing a tickler "The Romans loved markets, and sex, and order. But they also loved surveillance, and conformity, and war." as a pointer to your books made me add them to a now excessively long list.

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This is probably the best account of the extent to which Prohibition was promoted, endorsed, and then ultimately enforced by American feminists. It then draws some wider conclusions, including the feminist tendency to ignore or discount black markets, which apply a fortiori to both porn and prostitution just as they already do with the war on drugs. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Last-Call-Rise-Fall-Prohibition/dp/074327704X

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So in the hubris of great social upheaval we see policies arrive like the improved voting rights coupled with a moral imperative about booze. Affirms the notion of heart over brain. Wonder if today's social justice effort which has led to an explosion in crime is the same phenomena. BLM leads to an expansion of white guilt which then leads to another backlash as people see they were being fooled. And way too many getting caught up with drugs that now are killing a lot of weakened people. All things that tie up emotion with logic about human behavior. Are we repeating that past is a decent question.

I just ordered the book, used for $6. Thanks.

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