Don't Take Criticism from People you Wouldn't Ask for Advice
[...and related bits of self-help]
Yesterday evening, via the good offices of statistician Professor Alice Sullivan, I found out she, me, and an MP had been given a whole stack of (free) advice.
This comes on the back of the publication of an alarming academic paper in what I understand to be a fairly prestigious academic journal, a matter now under investigation by Greater Manchester Police.

Although what I’m going to call “the Boynton Thread” was written long before Alice went public about the police report she’d made on August 8th, that’s where it went.
[Alice did not discuss her police report publicly until August 24th, when it was revealed in the press that GMP were investigating.]
How did we get here?
By way of background, I first alerted (via social media) the Great British Public to the dodgy paper in question. Yes, I made a gag.
This went viral (as things sometimes do) and drew the attention of a lot of people, including Neil O’Brien MP.
In his tweet, Neil understated his case. Shota isn’t just Japanese porn. It’s cartoons depicting sexual relations with minors.

Whereupon a large number of idiot academics and continuity Remainers circled the wagons (to be fair, the Venn Diagram for those two groups is basically a circle).
The tweet below provides a link to the best summary of the whole mess.

Among other things, it turned out the “research” was taxpayer funded.
Throughout the entire farrago, I made my customary argument that much of what the taxpayer stumps up for in the Humanities and Social Sciences is basically inert. Not actively harmful, but no use to anyone else, either. And then, along comes a paper where someone is literally funded for little more than playing with his dick.
This tweet links to a piece that captures the seriousness of the problem.

So good ol’ Petra, in the Boynton Thread, tells Neil & me to pipe down.

I’m not a member of your “research community” (and don’t want to be, either). I don’t know any of these people. I’m a taxpaying member of the public and a professional writer. Neil is an MP. I know it may seem shocking, but speaking up is his actual job.
[It’s also my actual job.]

You can take your trigger warnings and stick them where the sun don’t shine.

I’m well aware of what all these things are. I had crap like this inflicted on me at university. And because I’m a conservative, I pretended to take such ideas seriously so I could get good results (culminating in a starred first).
Other friends of mine — people unwilling to blow smoke up sundry academics’ arses — finished up with a lower class of honours because they took issue with subjectivity, weird leftie politics, the use of “lived experience” in scholarship, or the way ethnography often appears to be a cover for innumeracy.
Entire academic disciplines are about as genuine as a pile of three dollar bills. They shouldn’t be funded by people like me. If people want to engage in that sort of carry on, they can put their hands in their own pockets, not in mine.

Some desires are bad. Some stigma is good. Some people need to pop down to B&Q, swallow a spoonful of cement, & harden up.

I do agree with this. Snitch-tagging is shitty behaviour and people who do it, especially with large accounts (I’ve had it done to me) are clearly trying to start a binfire.

BREAKING: “Queer Theory” is cobblers. The funding should be pulled. If your defence of this “field” leads to you defending noncery, then the problem isn’t just you. It’s the entire “field”.

Comment made after Professor Sullivan found the thread & queried whether the UK Research Integrity Office should be treating it as sound advice.
I mean, people who report alleged nonces to the filth are so awful…

The inevitable reverse ferret. Um, we can see what you wrote.
I hope the UK Research Integrity Office takes the advice below. Meanwhile, Alice incidentally provides a bit of wise counsel that everyone could do with heeding: read things in full before endorsing (or disendorsing) them. Try to think your thoughts through to the end.

Alice is the person who doesn’t have to take criticism from a person she didn’t ask for advice. Nor, for that matter, do I. Or Neil O’Brien MP.
It's very satisfying to read your terse and unconcerned dismissal of Boynton's mewling.
This is utterly brilliant. Though I'm sad my own swipe at the Shota Tosser was sadly missing from the article. A layman's view admittedly, but laughing at these absurd twats seems to me a vital public service
Go on... have a giggle with me..😁😁😁