RemovedSep 1, 2022Liked by Helen Dale
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Cheers! Some of the American stuff I haven't seen (I do know US higher ed is very far gone).

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It's very satisfying to read your terse and unconcerned dismissal of Boynton's mewling.

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The sheer bloody sense of entitlement.

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Plenty of grip. Little of it on reality.

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Looks like a real oddball to these non academic eyes Josh.

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Not for nothin', Helen, but one of the ways you lift my spirits is by being an example of an educated, forthright woman who indulges in none of the passive, emotional, inappropriately. . "maternal" way of talking in public.

You are no-nonsense. There are many fewer educated female commentators of your disposition than there are of the other type.

(Note to Helen's other readers who don't know me: No, I'm not saying in toto "women are too emotional always" or "you, reader, I don't know, are like that too.")

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Most people who subscribe to my substack should be aware I've written things like this: https://capx.co/what-kathleen-stock-gets-wrong-about-the-tories-trans-and-feminism/


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RemovedSep 1, 2022Liked by Helen Dale
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I'll read Stock's piece now, cheers for that.

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This is utterly brilliant. Though I'm sad my own swipe at the Shota Tosser was sadly missing from the article. A layman's view admittedly, but laughing at these absurd twats seems to me a vital public service


Go on... have a giggle with me..😁😁😁

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It's all so very patronising, isn't it?

"You silly bigots just don't understand. I'm not saying the taxpayer funded kiddie-fiddling-dick-twiddling was right, but that the wrong people said it was wrong, and in the wrong way. Now give us all more money while we sneer at your gammony ways."

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Author

Very tempted to beat all the humanities and social science idiots to a pulp with my Oxford law first ;)

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No point. You're a right wing Brexiteer, that means your education counts for nothing because you weren't clever enough to become a leftwing postmodernist with a PhD in animé tits.

Christ on a bike, I'm really not looking forward to returning to work at a Uni. Even the admin staff is full of arseholes aping these Boynton types. Sickly sweet, faux concerned bullies.

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Sadly true. I shall have to make like Scrooge McDuck and roll around in all my money ;)

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Helen Dale

"down to B&Q, swallow a spoonful of cement, & harden up"

Swapping Bunnings with B&Q doesn't hide the pure Aussie-ness of that statement. You can take the girl out of the bush... ;)

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