Merry Christmas to you and to Lorenzo, thanks for all the essays! I think I'll have to miss the upcoming zoom chat unfortunately, but I hope it's a busy and enjoyable one for everyone else.
I like my globe, showing that South America is really much further East than we typically think of it being. The Western edge of SA is actually aligned with the East coast of Florida, running up to the Western side of Pennsylvania.
And until I checked, I thought the Falkland Islands were further North and further away from Argentina than they are. Four time zones from GMT?
Keep up your great work and thank you for helping to bring Lorenzo's knowledge, insight, and genius to a wider audience.
Merry Chrimbo to you and Lorezno, too, I suppose. But is Chrimbo some Australian cultural meme derivative of Merry Christmas? Never heard that "version" before.
And I just now recalled the episode from the New Zealand crime series Brokenwood (had to re-look it up :-( ) where the step daughter kills her step father, who was supposed to show up as Santa at the local Christmas parade. I miss that show not being available here any longer.
Happy Christmas 🎄Are you planning to narrate The Kingdom of the Wicked for Audible, please? I almost purchased the Kindle version then thought I'd drop a polite hint first 🙏
I need to catch up on Lorenzo's essays but in the meantime I'm looking forward to checking out list item 5, as I stayed up way too late last night finishing my copy of Kingdom of the Wicked Book 2 and regret nothing😁
Ben's fate and the Romans' reaction to it didn't surprise me - what did surprise me was Cyler's fate. As soon as I got to page 369 I remember confidently thinking "That's it - that's how this all gets tied up and linked ALL the way back to the start" but you still managed to surprise me with that part of it. :)
Cyler (when I wrote the two books) was my Everyman character (based on the Medieval Mystery play). He's meant to be unpredictable, because most people are unpredictable.
Merry Christmas and many thanks. My own personal quest/journey is deeply enriched by what you have given this past year. May the day, and the season, be joyful and fulfilling.
Merry Christmas to you and to Lorenzo, thanks for all the essays! I think I'll have to miss the upcoming zoom chat unfortunately, but I hope it's a busy and enjoyable one for everyone else.
You'll still be able to watch the pre-record along with all the North Americans! No rule that says you can't.
South Americans, too? :-)
I like my globe, showing that South America is really much further East than we typically think of it being. The Western edge of SA is actually aligned with the East coast of Florida, running up to the Western side of Pennsylvania.
And until I checked, I thought the Falkland Islands were further North and further away from Argentina than they are. Four time zones from GMT?
I don't think I have any paid subscribers from South American countries. I'll have to check!
[ETA: just checked - no paid from there.]
Keep up your great work and thank you for helping to bring Lorenzo's knowledge, insight, and genius to a wider audience.
Merry Chrimbo to you and Lorezno, too, I suppose. But is Chrimbo some Australian cultural meme derivative of Merry Christmas? Never heard that "version" before.
And I just now recalled the episode from the New Zealand crime series Brokenwood (had to re-look it up :-( ) where the step daughter kills her step father, who was supposed to show up as Santa at the local Christmas parade. I miss that show not being available here any longer.
"Crimbo" and "Crimble" + variations are all UK in origin, I think, particularly Home Counties.
Happy Christmas 🎄Are you planning to narrate The Kingdom of the Wicked for Audible, please? I almost purchased the Kindle version then thought I'd drop a polite hint first 🙏
Alas I don't like listening to Audiobooks and the thought of spending many hours recording one fills me with dread...
I need to catch up on Lorenzo's essays but in the meantime I'm looking forward to checking out list item 5, as I stayed up way too late last night finishing my copy of Kingdom of the Wicked Book 2 and regret nothing😁
Did you see the ending coming? Almost no-one does, even though there are clues throughout.
Ben's fate and the Romans' reaction to it didn't surprise me - what did surprise me was Cyler's fate. As soon as I got to page 369 I remember confidently thinking "That's it - that's how this all gets tied up and linked ALL the way back to the start" but you still managed to surprise me with that part of it. :)
Cyler (when I wrote the two books) was my Everyman character (based on the Medieval Mystery play). He's meant to be unpredictable, because most people are unpredictable.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
Merry Christmas and many thanks. My own personal quest/journey is deeply enriched by what you have given this past year. May the day, and the season, be joyful and fulfilling.
Satan Claus? That's pretty funny, nice cartoon.