Here I argue that Muslims commit crime at only slightly higher rates than White Britons when adjusting for age: https://www.aporiamagazine.com/p/british-muslims-dont-commit-a-lot

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Lots oaf words and lots of theories, but they all amount to the same thing. Police need to do their jobs and protect immigrant al low income communities as well as the protect higher income areas and communities. We are closer to achieving this in the US but apparently UK has much farther to go. Of course it would help if those who rightly want better policing did not get distracted by opposing merit based immigration and trade restrictions that have nothing to do with policing.

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Really great article, important and timely as so many of our countries buckling under the weight of this agenda.

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It's a valid argument, but your data is skewed. The Home Office and CPS between them have been moving Heaven and Earth to make per population group grooming stats look similar in terms of prison populations. One problem is that most Muslim group paedophiles don't get charged or tried. Telford is probably the most extreme example- of over 200 men with at least three former girls all willing to testify against them, only seven men were ultimately tried and imprisoned.

The best data comes from an inquiry by the Office of the Children's Commissioner in 2012. It found 36 per cent of victims of group or gang child abuse identified their attackers as white, 27 per cent as Asian, 16 per cent as black, with 16 per cent unspecified. This is similar to the findings of the 2020 Home Office report- it showed White offenders were somewhat more common (not surprising given Whites are 80% of the population), but that Asians were 'overrepresented'. That's an understatement, given relative population sizes.

All your article proves is that a two-tier justice system was in effect long before the UK riots.



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"The failure of such fantasy Theory leads to three responses: more Theory, opinion suppression and purges. “Far-right” as thought-terminating cliche is a good use for bullshit Theory. The activation of online censorship represents opinion suppression. The activation of cancel culture represents purges."

I very much appreciate your deep dive into the dynamics surrounding the social phenomena we're witnessing. I found it helpful in more broadly understanding why so many stay silent when it's obvious that there's so much we should be speaking out against.

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Another brilliant article explaining the how’s and why’s of our current situation. I wish I would have understood this in my 20’s rather than my 50’s, it could have saved me a lot of grief. You always elevate the conversation to the very best in critical analysis, there are very few people like the two of you around, and if they are, they seem to always choose the dark side? Thanks for everything you do, it keeps my hope alive!

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When you say “so judges evidence through the lens of Theory” what do you mean by Theory? Is it a particular theory or do you mean the judgement is purely theoretical and not based on practical evidence ?

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Both. They have a framing—typically based on some version of Critical Theory in the case of left-progressives—and evidence is assessed and/or filtered by that Theory. Theory dominates what is considered evidence and how that evidence is assessed.

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True, but isn't that always and everywhere the case?

How would a farmer and a fisherman look at either the land or the sea? Even if they started as literally twin brothers, after 40-50 years in their respective occupations they can't be seeing the exact same things in exactly the same way. Even with functionally identical eyes their different motivations and acquired knowledge would alter their perceptions.

I think I learned this one from Jordan Peterson, "All perception is motivated".

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Inference from past experience is very different from having Theory sort what counts as evidence and what is used as evidence.

For example, having Theory mean that you never even consider that culture matters.

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Great work!

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Just one point - my understanding is that Francisco Ceballos's tweet about father-daughter incest is in reference to Irish Travellers in the UK, not Pakistani Muslims. Pakistani Muslims (particularly Mirpuris) have a high rate of cousin marriage, but not father-daughter incest - this would not be tolerated and, to the extent it does happen, the girl would be discreetly made to have an abortion (despite this being haram). It's Irish Traveller fathers who are disproportionately sexually abusing their teenage daughters, who then disproportionately carry the baby to term, and the kid is passed off as being the product of a one-night stand or short-lived relationship. Teen pregnancy is normalised and even encouraged among Irish Travellers in the UK, seen as a gift, whereas in Pakistani Muslim families it would be seen as a scandal and affect the entire family's standing. The whole reason those grooming gangs exist is because their culture prohibits sex before marriage and their own women and girls are off-limits, and they see white girls (particularly those with no parental oversight) as fair game/lesser.

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The New Age revolutionary tactics. No need to fight a revolution in the streets when you can just pit groups against each other.

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Thanks for another terrific piece. So much here that is actively suppressed, for all the reasons you mention. Hugely valuable work.

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Excellent break-down of the core problems besetting the UK, and indeed the West.

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To what extent is the altered character of the university - feminisation - a straight forward application of male/female differences cemented during the Pleistocene - as soon as females are in the majority? Or is there also an exaggeration/misplacement of femaleness due to failure to pair and failure to reproduce? The decline of motherhood?

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Just popping in to say this is a great question to which I do not know the answer (although Lorenzo may have some more informed thoughts).

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Great question. Much of it is the former. But it is a real question what the effect of foregoing motherhood is on women. I am not aware, however, of any serious studies of this fascinating question.

As for normal female patterns, I have discussed that, e.g. https://www.lorenzofromoz.net/p/breadwinners-homemakers-and-the-decline

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thankyou for the reference. Most concerning is ignorance of biology - especially self-harming female ignorance. With ignorance comes failure to adapt to circumstances. It is unprecedented in the last 3 billion years of life on earth - that fertile females will decline reproduction. "Navigating these expanding evolutionary novelties is going to take a great deal of thoughtful action. It is going to require effective application of the evolutionary lens. Starting with fully grasping the reality that everything social is emergent out of the biological."

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Have also discussed feminisation of institutions more directly. E.g. https://www.lorenzofromoz.net/p/degrading-institutions-sneering-at

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Great piece, again. Thank you.

Was the failure of the “rivers of blood” to immediately eventuate, part of the reason it’s been hard to mobilise successive UK governments into action on border control? Up until recently, Britian had managed to skirt the major problems with waves of immigrants – e.g. Hong Kong Chinese, Jamaicans, Polish plumbers were also going to be the end of the world, and weren’t? "Crying wolf" is real, but at the end of that story the wolf does turn up.

While I'm all for bashing the uni-party elites, you could perhaps be forgiven for thinking, heuristically, that "this one will be OK, like the last wave was". British society changed, but didn't self-destruct - so in a real sense the onus is on those saying "this is different" to demonstrate how. You need to be able to identify the different elements buried in the current population movements that signal a divergence from the past - that (to me) being (at least) Islam, and illegality. And map out a cogent and reasonable mechanism by which this difference will degenerate into a major problem, before that problem happens and we can still be in prevention rather than cure.

You do part of this work here, and the larger task has probably been done - I've certainly seen elements of it in Lorenzo's work, for example. But the other difference this time is the "opinion enforcement" you perceptively discuss - the lock that woke-ism has on the cultural institutions and the media. You may have a comprehensible, well-argued response to the current pieties, but how do you get it out there to a mass-media audience? Powell's speech was at least printed, broadcast and reported - anything remotely in that vein wouldn't even be reported on now.

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The last is at the heart of the problem. The internet allows a lot more views to get disseminated, but the collapse of much of the mainstream media into opinion-enforcement means we get fracturing of discourse, rather than mechanisms for accountability.

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