Had no idea about your podcast. I’m glad to have discovered your substack and related content (ultimately via Arnold Kling et al). I’ve several erstwhile podcasters now sitting empty in my playlist. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Yet I’ve found myself reading your pieces to then realized later that you were the same writer as some other pieces I’ve previously enjoyed. For example, your reflection on your Tina Turned era, curious Australian conservatism, was superb. Thanks Helen.

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I deliberately didn't provide a link to my old (self-produced) podcast. It was really crappy - I promise I'm not making this up!

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Good stuff go for it!

Radio as an industry has returned as podcasts you know.

Marshall Mcluhan said radio is the most cerebral form of communication- you have to visualize the message.

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Thank God. Your voice --the actual auditory quality of it--is too good for you to not do this.

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As I have been told repeatedly. I am aware. Various boots up the butt over the years about "use your instrument" etc etc.

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Liberty law podcast , got it . I’m a fan of Douglas Murray as well so should be good.

Ps we’re just getting quotes for a bathroom refurbishment .Do you want to put a quote in?

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"Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't ask for advice" (my dad).

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Fantastic ❗️

I’ll be listening.

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The great Douglas Murray is certainly starting your show off with a bang!

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Looking forward to it. I liked your short-lived podcast, thought it was very interesting and you managed to impart a lot of information. I admit I'm a massive Luddite, but I still don't see what was so bad about it, thought it all sounded fine.

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The return of Helen to podcasting? Helen and Douglas having a chat together? You two are the only journalists I actively follow, I am a very happy man today.

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I appreciate you see yourself as a writer, first and foremost, but Josh Slocum is quite right. After all, a good lawyer is good at both writing and speaking to advance a proposition in the most persuadable way. And in my view, you’re most definitely in that frame.

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Brilliant news. I really missed your presence on the Mark Graham show - though the time never seemed long enough - so a Helen Dale podcast is fantastic. And what a wonderful first guest to start with.

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Fingers crossed everything goes well!

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Your record of technical success is going strong. I just tried to sign up and it looks like the feed is corrupt.

"Error: At line 25, column 26: not well-formed (invalid token)"

Looks like a failure of RSS grammar, before we even get into semantics. And and computers are even more persnickety than lawyers about such matters.

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Sign up in what sense? Take out a paid sub or send a tip? Or sign up for Liberty Law Talk on Spotify or Apple? In all those cases, the tech is entirely out of my hands and is not only a closed book but a burnt and buried one as well.

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Sorry, poor wording. I tried to subscribe to the feed. I.e. add the podcast to my podcast play as I would any other free podcast.

I just tried again and it turns out there are two instances of it available, both are called "Liberty Law Talk" and have the same icon. But the one from "Law and Liberty" is broken. The one from "Sandra Stotsky" works.

I am using an open-source reader, which takes standard RSS feeds, which AFAIK is compatible with Apple, not Spotify.

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I look forward to this; sensible, articulate, blunt long form. Yes please! This is where the wheels fell off previously: "expensive RODE microphone". You tried riding a bike before you could crawl, let alone walk. Remember Diogenes and the boy drinking water with the cup of his hands.

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