I see you wisely avoid attempting to explain Americans to anyone.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Author

I genuinely don't know enough, and have never lived there -- only visited, usually for work.

Couldn't do it even if I wanted to.

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Lack of knowledge sadly doesn't intimidate all from the adventure.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Helen Dale

I'm American and I can't explain us.

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While I can understand what provoked the American Revolution; if you don't want to be English, I doubt one has a mind to lose! /s

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A deeply religious people who stopped admitting it publicly

Then privately

The those religious energies were channeled into politics

Which became religion

This disappointed of course...

.... disappointment became despair... despair became desperation... it became madness ⬅️ WE ARE HERE

the underlying structure however is a federation, now, before, forever no matter who lives here.

Every American wide area political arrangement has been a Federation from the Iroquois to the Internet* and all between.

Our current Federation is 85,000 separate government entities, 20,000 police departments, etc etc... the only historical analogy I know is the 17th century Austrian Holy Roman Empire, who’s constitution was so huge it defied codification**not unlike our Federal Register or legal code now. BUT the good news is that’s very resilient, and an extremely dense one.

*The internet is a Federation of networks.

**an Austrian scholar in the 17th century spent his life trying to codify the Constitution of the Holy Roman (Hapsburg) Empire and did get to 20 some volumes.

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Left idiotologies have ever been JudeaoXtian heresy attempting "Heaven on Earth" and the "New Jerusalem" minus the god bit. I prefer Apocalypse Never.

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Well the Left and especially Liberals are collapsing authority and certainly legitimacy, but it falls onto tens of thousands of governments in layers Federal (itself fragmented but so compartmentalized) state, then county then municipal or city , most law enforcement is local, every state has its own army and Air Force (Army or Air National Guard) and of course the people are armed. This is collapse at the top but as Federation NOT the center. That’s not the apocalypse. It’s something else...

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It would be like trying to collapse The Internet, which looks like American Federated administration because it is...

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The American DeColonization angle has a lot to do with 2024 election, race and Covid played out. So let’s Dust off Wounded Knee and pivot from Stillborn 1619 to the indigenous peoples injustices... aka the Indians.

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Decolonisation has been a thing for decades.

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Sounds good. I hope to be able to join on Wednesday, although I would likely be late, so I apologise in advance. I'll log on very quietly.

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