Jun 22, 2023Liked by Helen Dale, Lorenzo Warby

Very interesting. Kudos for the correct spelling of the acronym DIE. I have always wondered at the Canadian Establishment's love of 'multi-culturalism', a very 'Canadian' thing, rhetorically set up I imagine to counter the American 'melting-pot'. Which IS typically Canadian thing, among a certain cohort, to oppose all things American. I was never enthusiastic about multi-culturalism, but I was always pretty neutral about it. As I see that it has been increasingly co-opted by the identity politics crowd, I now oppose it. Thx for adding some new perspectives.

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“multiculturalism is an imperial policy, not a democratic one. It lets bureaucracies play favour-and-dominate games, dividing the demos against itself.”

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You've got such a brilliant way of explaining a subject. If you'll excuse the rather twee expression, you really do bring history to life, as well as picking apart the present so beautifully.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Helen Dale, Lorenzo Warby

Excellent as usual. Thank you.

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Rediscovering Islamic threat?

??? Now?

That’s all true but they’re walking through an open door that was not opened by the foreigners.

Granted this is a 21+ series of woes and grievances, but the migrants are a symptom not the disease, which is our Imperial State. It is of course the same system in the UK as France, above all America (we have Hispanics, who are becoming the New Italians very fast).

Gracious! If I were English or European I might preface this all with... “When in the course of Human Events...”


You can quite ctrl+R “He (King George” with DC, “British “ with “American”

“....Prudence indeed dictates the bonds between (NATO, Special Relationship) not be lightly dissolved...”

Why even “....For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: ✔️

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these (European) States:✔️ (SOFA)

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world” ✔️ yes, see Ukraine embargoes.

‘🇺🇸 has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.’ - See NORDSTREAM



You really need to declare your Independence there , Europe.

Just Ctrl+R

And its much shorter than anything that came from Brussels.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Helen Dale, Lorenzo Warby

This was refreshing just because after 50ish years of intense propaganda with a strong undercurrent of moral bullying and emotional blackmail—Only Nazis think that group differences exist, borders are a white-supremacist construct, why do you hate starving Honduran children? etc—plus so much cultural conditioning based on a sort of fundamentalist interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, I feel like it's gotten to the point where if I even mention group differences or conflicting cultural values to my friends (with of course the most "educated" being the most allergic to thought and nuance), out come an avalanche of bigotry accusations.

The Diversicrats have a case of cognitive dissonance when it comes to their sacred DEI: on one hand other cultures are so rich, unique and ambient that being exposed to them is salubrious and educational, a cross between a visit to Lourdes and a TED Talk; but if you mention that we're not all interchangeable meat widgets and people from different cultures have different beliefs, values, interests, aptitudes etc, then of course you're marked with the Scarlet R and slated for social death.

But then again things like cognitive dissonance, inconsistency, or hypocrisy are easy to wave away when you control every cultural and educational institution in the entire Anglosphere.

Cheers to Helen and Lorenzo on another great essay.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Lorenzo Warby


Coudn't resist. Sorry.

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This is the part where we find out democracy is as bad or worse as all the others with two enormous differences;

1) The Blame is on everyone.

2) It has larger appetites. The difference between Pinochet and Hitler is DEMOCRACY. Pinochet accomplished the same goal by killing 3000, Hitler murdered 10 million, because the blood lust had been awakened in so many that many more greedy for blood had to be sated.

Yes, the difference between Pinochet and Hitler is democracy.

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So you're saying that Islam is pastoralist/raiding, hence enslaving (while the Romans never raided or enslaved anybody)?! That's kind of like saying that Christianity is about raiding/enslaving because its culture was formed by the ancient Hebrew pastoralists. In reality as opposed to this kind of anachronistic fantasy, Islamic culture has been city-based NOT "nomadic-pastoralist" for 1400 years, and Islamic polities have conducted war (and concomitant enslavement) in very nearly the same ways as non-Islamic ones. But this history is not very relevant to the situation today, in which nominal Islam is moderately linked to social and behavior health, while Islamic piety is strongly linked to it: https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2013/08/16/jamil-2/

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Our "identities" are irrelevant to arguments of facts and logic. Lorenzo makes a category mistake in mistakenly viewing religion as the relevant variable. It's as if I blamed Catholicism, or ancient Hebrew pastoralism, for organized crime in Chicago disproportionately committed by the minions of The Godfather, who happened to be Italian Catholic; or if I blamed Eastern Orthodoxy for the horrendous organized crime wave unleashed by post-Cold-War Russian immigration to the US. Such a category mistake is a fallacy, and a rather ludicrous one at that, whether it's applied to Europe or the US.

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